21. SCENE17 (Johan)

INT. 5th floor Corridor ( Integrity girls school)-DAY

Girl (Yeosang) against to Girls(girl1~3)

 Girl1 :

Girl2 :
Come here!

Girl3 :
Come here!

Yunho open the door of the classroom.

 Yunho :
(girl’s voice)Stop it.

Girl1 :
What? You talk to..

Yunho :
(girl’s voice)well…um..

Jongho speak to them from behind.

 Jongho :
What are you doing here?

Everyone look at Jongho. Yunho surprise with anger.
Jongho (pulling a cleaning cart) is going to come near.
Yunho try to send Jongho a sign to go away.

 Girl1 :

Girl3 :
Uncle, you just should clean.

Girl2 :
Go over there.

Jongho is shocked and stop his moving.

 Jongho :
U..uncle..!? I am young..though..

Girl1 :
Go away, Uncle. We have rule, not to talk. Right?
We are not in same class.

Jongho :
Um…ahh..well, but I think you shouldn’t do such a like this.

Girl3 :

Girl2 :
Uncle..! Haha!

Girl1 :
She’s un-limited.

Jongho :
Really!? Un-limited!? Wow… I haven’t seen before..

Girl1 :
So you know, she doesn’t feel anything.

Girl2 :
Yeah, right.

Girl3 :
If she would be broken, there was nothing. Just fix it, and it’s over.

Girl1 :
She is just a lump of unnatural parts. So you..

Jongho :
It’s not true.

Girl1 :

Jongho :
She’s not a lump, human.

Girl3 :
She’s a doll!

Girl2 :
Human-made doll!!

Girl1 :

Suddenly Girl1 and Girl3 screamed.
Girl (Yeosang) catched Girl3&Girl2’s arms very strongly with stone-faced.
Girl (Yeosang) twist Girl(3&2)’s arms slowly. Girls screamed.

 Girl1 :
..See!? ..See, she’s just a monster!!! I knew it!!!

Yunho tried to stop a girl, but Girl(Yeosang)’s power is strong.
Jongho rush to her, and separate the people. Jongho holding girl(Yeosang)’s wrists.
Girls(girl1~3) run away.
Girl (Yeosang) keep to against to Jongho’s power. But Jongho don’t lose.

 Jongho :
Stop it! I know you’re angry with them.
But you shouldn’t do..! You angry, it means you have a real heart.
And it means you’ll regret later, about hurting them.
Un-limited is great. So everyone afraid of you, and envy of you.
It sometimes going to take your heart. But you shouldn’t part with it!
It’s a most important thing! It’s not about you!
Even me, even anyone,…everyone need a heart as a human being.
So please stop it. Awake from the darkness..!

Suddenly girl (Yeosang) stop to against.
Girl (Yeosang) looks lie confused. Jongho stop to hold his arm in a hurry.

 Jongho :
Are you alright???

Girl (Yeoasng) :
What was I … um, what..?

Yunho tried to get out of there in a hurry.

 Yunho :
(girl’s voice)Nothing nothing..ahh, you should go away before they back!
I recommend to be alone. Well, see you!

Yunho run away, and Jongho is going to follow Yunho.

 Girl (Yeosang) :

Jongho turn to her.

 Girl (Yeosang) :
You dropped this.

Girl (Yeosang) pass a data card to Jongho.

 Jongho :
Oh, thank you.

Girl (Yeosang) :
(small voice)..powerful bubble..

Jongho :

Girl (Yeosang) :
Nothing. Thank you.

Jongho smile and go away with a cart.

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