INT. COMPANY (3rd floor)-DAY
Wooyoung walk the floor, and mutter to himself.
Wooyoung :
Good man… He knew that? ….No way,…but…
Wooyoung stop, and look back. Wooyoung bump into Mingi.
Wooyoung :
Wooyoung wondering why he didn’t notice Mingi’s indication.
Mingi looks surprise in a moment. But he smile at once. He talk to Wooyoung gently.
Mingi :
Don’t worry. Are you OK?
Wooyoung :
Ah, yes. I ,..
Mingi :
I was just careless.
Wooyoung :
….Have you ever seen before?
Mingi :
Me? I’ve never forgotten the people I met, though.
Wooyoung :
Ah, you have memory disc on brain… so It’s my..
Minigi :
..You also have it, right?
Wooyoung :
Ahh,, yes…but now I have a trouble in it. I need to maintenance.
Mingi :
Oh really? But you’re lucky. I work in maintenance department.
Wooyoung :
Oh…really? …but I can’t go soon…I gotta go right now.
Mingi :
…Well, I know your feeling.
Wooyoung :
What do you mean..?
Mingi :
You heard that maintenance department is full recently?
Some parts are failure, so many officers come…It’s a secret, though.
If you come to maintenance, you spent a few days for just maintenance.
Wooyoung :
Um, yeah… I have a limit of job now..
Mingi :
Don’t worry. For compensation, I made you a top of maintenance list.
Wooyoung :
No way..ah, I couldn’t made you do like that.. Don’t worry.
Mingi :
Mingi put a card on Wooyoung’s pants pocket quickly.
Mingi :
I know a temporary repair. If you’re in an emergency, please call me.
Wooyoung :
…Thank you.
Mingi :
Oh! Don’t look at here. Just a business card of me.
Mingi leave. Wooyoung sigh and see off Mingi.